If I could drink from the pool of ever lasting life and youth……

I would dive in! It would be great to watch my kids grow up, and grand children, and great-Grand children….(you get the idea)

everlasting1.jpg.w300h284yes it would be very sad to watch friends and family die, but I expect a long lineage and ( sounds callus but ) I can make a lot of new friends.

I will still be around when the develop a cure for bipolar disorder. That right there would make it worthwhile. I would accumulate a lot of wealth and prestige from others – a lot of jealously  too – I would have to watch for that. It wouldn’t be much of a life if I was stuck living behind secured walls.

Maybe I could reinvent myself every 40 years or so like the Vampires on TV do.

No it would be near impossible in this era of Big Brother watching our every move.

I guess I would just have to live with it.

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One response to “If I could drink from the pool of ever lasting life and youth……

  1. Reminds me of a movie I watched recently ‘The Age of Adeline.’ She had to reinvent herself every so often.


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