The heat is melting my brain

I know there he goes complaining about the heat again, but my meds don”t like the heat. The turn me into a cranky monster. This is one good reason for living alone, no one has to put up with my wrath.

I enjoy living alone, my Doctor doesn’t. He is worried I am going to freak out or something and there will be no one there to take care of me. (What a roommate could do in a manic episode is beyond me. I prefer living alone. I did the marriage thing (twice) I have 3 successful kids all grown up. I deserve to live alone.

I know when to call for help, if I become suicidal or fall into that pit of despair. I know how to take my medication on time. So I won’t turn into a manic sheep or anything. I know I am a poor housekeeper and don’t get many visitor’s. But it is home sweet home.

I just wish it was air conditioned ! index

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